Release 4.3

Release 4.3

This article describes the changes of the version 4.3.x update.

New image tag:

Kadeck Teams is no longer run as root as of version 4.3.5. Instead, a separate user kadeck is used. Depending on the container service, this requires execution rights for Java so that Kadeck can start with the system ports on Linux. This is part of our initiative to continuously improve the security of Kadeck.

Release 4.3.0

Many new views UX improvements for easier, better insights into your Apache Kafka data and performance. 
Breaking changes:
  1. The consumer rights are now more fine-granular. Read our article about the new consumer right management.
  2. The drop-down list box in the data browser has been replaced with the Maximum Results drop-down list box and no longer limits the number of records scanned, but the actual records returned. This has an impact when a search or filter is applied.

General update information

Main features

Introducing the Consumer View
  1. Keeping track of all consumers is now easier than ever. Identify slow consumers across all topics, delete consumer groups you no longer need. 
Data Catalog improvements
  1. More topic insights! The Topic Configuration view has been moved to the Data Catalog, and now shows more stats at a glance, including, the number of records in the topic. It is accessible via the "..." menu item on the right side of each topic entry.
  2. A new "Topic Overview" view has been added and is now the default view when clicking on a topic name in the Data Catalog.
  3. The Data Catalog is now even more powerful. Keep track of disk space by sorting by log sizes and see partition and replication issues at a glance.
Topic (API) Documentation
Worse than documentation that no one reads is outdated documentation! 
  1. With Kadeck you can now keep your Topics, documentation, Topic metrics and configurations together and up to date. Topic (API) documentation can be created via a new rich text editor in the Topic Overview.
UI/UX Improvements
  1. We have introduced UI and UX improvements to provide a fresher and friendlier experience, including:
  2. Introduction of flexible tables. With movable and resizable table columns, working in Kadeck is even easier.
  3. Connections now have colors! Easily distinguish between production, test, and other environments with customizable colors for Connections.
  4. Fast switching between Connections. Since the first version, Kadeck has supported parallel management of multiple clusters. But now, managing multiple clusters is even faster. A new drop-down menu allows switching between clusters from any view.
  5. The display of a topic's data in Kadeck's Data Browser can now be enlarged to full screen and the position and size of columns (e.g. individual attributes) can be changed.
  6. The Ingestion Dialog for creating new datasets now uses a code editor that supports search & replace functionality and syntax highlighting.
  7. The Limit dropdown in the Data Browser has been replaced by a "Max Results" dropdown. Instead of specifying the number of records to scan as before, the selected value of Max Results now determines the number of actual results returned. I.e. when searching from “Earliest” with filters, the search will now continue until the desired number of search results have been found and not until a certain number of records have been scanned. This makes it easier to find records in a topic.
Security Improvements
  1. Keystores and truststores can now be uploaded via a file browser in the Connections creation dialog instead of manually configuring the path as before.
  2. Fine-grained consumer permissions: these can now be set to Write, Read, and Delete for all or specific consumer groups.

Many minor improvements and bug fixes

Patch notes (4.3.1 - 4.3.x)

This section contains all patch notes for Kadeck 4.3.x.

Version 4.3.7

  • Data protection policies for the whole message body were not being applied correctly (e.g., no redaction - only audit).
  • Protobuf no magic byte decoder can now decode messages that have more than one message type declared on the proto file.

Version 4.3.6

  • Data protection was not being applied properly as the string and csv codec were still able to decode messages
  • Roles editor (visual and json) were not synching and changes were lost when switching between the two
  • Jaas field was not taking single quotes into consideration and was duplicating quotes
  • The wire.jar file was duplicated in the classpath and was causing issues decoding messages when the wrong wire.jar was being loaded.

Version 4.3.5

  • Updating netty to support mac os version 10.9 on x86_64
  • Removes dependency on electron-log
  • Updated placeholder text in the data protection policy
  • Adds increased logging to ldap to better debug issues
  • Sets correct column definition on records state update.
  • Fixed file renaming issue with the database.
  • Resolved database migration issue with excessive commas.
  • Replaces new window event with setWindowOpenHandler.
  • Fixes issues with windows migration.
  • Uses one sort worker for each record list and terminates afterward.
  • Fixes db migration issues.
  • Fixed binding port 80 on teams.
  • Adds user table search by username.
  • Updates server card upgrade indicator for visibility.
  • Administration offline activation made clearer.
  • Adjusted colors for flow view & time distribution.
  • Updates UserService to increase license count for first-time use.
  • Added logging to LDAP provider and adapter.
  • Fixes alignment of the "More" button in CommonTable.
  • Fixes bug with Apicurio decoding protobuf without schema byte.
  • Changes broker connection checks to run in parallel.
  • Fixes border radius and background color of FilterPopover.
  • Updates Common Table to align content to the top of the row.
  • Fixes Monaco Editor selector bug.
  • Adds additional initial sort of Streams by name.
  • Fixes select panel positioning.
  • Fixes UI locking issue in data catalog when updating large datasets.
  • Fixes labeling multiple rows causing updates to be lost.
  • Adds sort by connection name to initial Streams value.
  • Removes limit on adding users to a group.
  • Fixes alignment of view icon and name in data browser.
  • Updates ACL Dialog to allow for movement between tabs without data loss.
  • Fixes issue with Quick Processor not resetting when switching streams.
  • Fixes fullscreen elements being covered by drag area on desktop.
  • Adjusts connection error dialog and provides a message + suggestion.
  • Fixes textarea shadow being cut off.
  • Replaces filterLimit with maxResults.
  • Fixes select field selection issue.
  • Removes disable state from create schema dialog code editor.
  • Fixes broken paste settings feature in the data browser for Firefox.
  • Fixes consumer lag width not taking up 100% width in the table.
  • Adjusts cutoff offset to filter out records outside the upper limit.
  • Fixes broken Desktop app Windows controls.
  • Fixes Monaco editor suggestions not appearing for JSON.
  • Fixes broken paste settings feature in the data browser for Firefox.
  • Persists record list table filters after display filter changes.
  • Adds a format provider for NgxMatDatetimePickerModule.
  • Adds a label to custom seconds field on data browsers time filter.
  • Upgrade Angular version and dependencies.
  • Fixes Monaco editor suggestions not appearing for JSON.
  • Persists record list table filters after display filter changes.
  • Adds session timeout via xeotek_kadeck_session_timeout environment variable (minutes)

Version 4.3.4

  • Fixed License Activation error messages not being displayed.
  • Resolved Kafka Connect details not updating after editing.
  • Fixed error dialog appearing twice in Kafka Connect.
  • Added success notification for ingestion dialog.
  • Fixed broken roles component that displayed incorrect roles list in the wizard.
  • Added padding to fullscreen components for the Mac desktop app.
  • Replaced column add icon with the correct sizes.

Version 4.3.3

  • Introduced principal prefix selection to acl dialog component.
  • Removed dropdown, popover, and menu scaling animations.
  • Fixed spacing for time filter dialog in data browser.
  • Replaced wrong panelClass with popover-panel to fix popover display issue.
  • Added hover background to edit button in filter-chip component.
  • Updated font sizes for rich text editor.
  • Fixed disabled and selected combination styling for radio and checkbox inputs.
  • Added error message to failed Kafka Connector list request.
  • Fixed filter chip sizing in data browser.
  • Fixed broken desktop app error dialog close button.
  • Reduced flickering while tapping through tabs in create server dialog.
  • Adjusted tooltip default position and overlay position for select field content.
  • Adjusted menu overlays default position.
  • Fixed NPE when merging a map and one of the maps has keys with null values.
  • Added call to refresh data when canceling an edit in the Topic Overview.
  • Updated CodeEditor styles to match colors.
  • Fixed issue where key codec wasn't being applied when not in conjunction with the value codec.
  • Addressed incorrectly enabled edit and delete options on consumer details page.
  • Fixed overflow of info cards on topic details page when tags are too long.
  • Fixed bug caused by non-existent consumer group cache.

Version 4.3.2

  • Added performance enhancer to data-catalog stream updates.
  • Fixed displaying zeros in topic configuration metrics.
  • Addressed CSS issue in icon buttons that didn't apply on the desktop application.
  • Added refresh notification toast to Data Catalog.
  • Added loading indicator when refreshing server browser page.
  • Fixed question on onboarding form.
  • Updated table styles to match new UI designs.
  • Showed 0 members if consumer state is EMPTY on consumer details.
  • Fixed sort button icon size in data browsers topic list.
  • Updated streams to use batch updates.
  • Removed disabled button to display Compatibility in schema details and used drop down instead.
  • Wrapped border bottom assignment in tbody to prevent border duplication with headers for tables.
  • Fixed 'jump' on row toggle in common table button.
  • Added global ui shadow to dialogs.
  • Showed quota feedback component only if there's no error, quotas are supported, and at least one quota exists.

Version 4.3.1

  • Updated scrollbar colors.
  • Updated view button in data browser header.
  • Updated spacing for app card header.
  • Updated table header sort icon colors.
  • Used outline instead of box shadow to prevent outline overwrite on focus-visible.
  • Updated tags to match new UI.

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