Download Kadeck Teams image to a private repository

A valid license is necessary to use the web/server version.
if you don't have a valid license, follow the
All in one box or
Desktop download guides or contact us
here to purchase licenses.

The teamid and secret are mandatory and acquired when purchasing a license.
Replace {latest version} with the actual latest released version.
On a server with internet connection, use the
save command to export the image:
- docker save xeotek/kadeck:{latest version} > kadeck.tar
Optionally, the file can be compressed with tools like xz, gzip, or bzip2:
Copy the file to the offline server and uncompress it.
The server can now be started:
- docker run -p 80:80 -e xeotek_kadeck_teamid="my team id" xeotek_kadeck_secret="my team secret" xeotek/kadeck:{latest version}
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