Local cluster

Local cluster

This article describes how to set up and connect to the local cluster with KaDeck.

What is the local cluster functionality?

The local cluster, previously known as "embedded cluster", allows you to start up an Apache Kafka broker (and Zookeeper) directly in Kadeck. By "instrumenting" a standard Apache Kafka installation, no flexibility is lost. It is still possible to manually configure all broker settings (Kafka and Zookeeper) and to choose the Apache Kafka version you want.


Head over to the Apache Kafka project page and download the binary version of Apache Kafka. Un-tar the downloaded folder and move it to a location that is accessible for Kadeck. 

For Windows users: as there are some constraints on path lengths on Windows which can result in strange behavior and weird error messages, we recommend placing the folders content close to the root of your hard drive (e.g. C:/kafka/ so that the path to /bin is C:/kafka/bin).

  1. Next, start Kadeck and click on the "settings" icon of the "Local cluster" card.  Enter the path to your extracted folder's content (e.g. C:/kafka/) in the dialog.
  2. Click on "Start" and wait several seconds. The starting process can take a while, depending on your machine.
  3. If an error occurred, check the log files in your folder (e.g. C:/kafka/zookeeper.out).
Note: Clicking on "Start" does kill any previous Kafka broker and Zookeeper instances first, deletes the data dir and log dir and regularly starts both servers.


Why are all topics (or data) gone after restarting my embedded cluster?

Kadeck deletes all information from previous sessions once the embedded cluster is started. This behavior guarantees that you are starting with a clean environment every time and the cluster does not get into an error state.

What happens if I close Kadeck without stopping the cluster?

The cluster is still running in the background. Open Kadeck again and click on "Start" on the embedded cluster card. This will stop any instances (if existent) and start the server again. You can then stop the server regularly by clicking "Stop". 

How can I change the Kafka or Zookeeper settings?

Edit the server.properties and zookeeper.properties inside the /config folder to customize the settings.


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