Try out Kadeck Teams on a local machine

Try out Kadeck Teams on a local machine

Replace {latest version} with the actual latest released version.

Getthe Kadeck Teams docker image via docker from our official repository, using:
  1. docker pull xeotek/kadeck:{latest version}

Free version

Use the following command to run Kadeck Teams Free:
  1. docker run -p 80:80 -e xeotek_kadeck_free="<your_email_address>" xeotek/kadeck:{latest version}
If your machine is on Apple Silicon, use the following command, which defines the platform:
  1. docker run --platform linux/amd64 -p 80:80  -e xeotek_kadeck_free="<your_email_address>" xeotek/kadeck:{latest version}

Kadeck Teams Enterprise

The cluster can be started with the command below (the image doesn't need to be download first):
  1. docker run -p 80:80 -e xeotek_kadeck_teamid="my team id and random chars" xeotek_kadeck_secret="my team secret" xeotek/kadeck:{latest version}
If your machine is on Apple Silicon, use the following command, which defines the platform:
  1. docker run --platform linux/amd64 -p 80:80 -e xeotek_kadeck_teamid="my team id and random chars" xeotek_kadeck_secret="my team secret" xeotek/kadeck:{latest version}

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