Connect to Kinesis

Connect to Kinesis

In this article, you will learn how to configure Amazon Web Services (AWS) and how to establish a connection from Kadeck to Amazon Kinesis.

The article consists of two sections that build on each other:

  1. Create a user in Amazon Kinesis
  2. Add a connection to Kadeck

Create a user in Amazon Kinesis

Access to IAM required
To complete the following steps, access to the IAM (Identity & Access Management) service in Amazon Web Services is required.
Before you start setting up a connection in KaDeck Web, you need a user in Amazon Web Services (AWS) who has access to your Amazon Kinesis environment.

Create a user using IAM for Kadeck

  1. Open the IAM Dashboard and click on the Users tab under Access Management.
  2. Create a new user by clicking Add user.
    • As user name enter KadeckKinesis.
    • Select programmatic access as the access type.
  3. Click Next: Permissions on the bottom of the screen.
  4. In the Set permissions area, click on Attach existing policies directly.

  5. In the list of policies, type AmazonKinesisFullAccess in the search box and place a checkmark next to AmazonKinesisFullAccess in the results list. Fig. 1 shows this section.

  6. Click Next: Tags on the bottom of the screen and set your tags, if you want to.
  7. Click Next: Review on the bottom of the screen. Review the information:
    • KadeckKinesis

    • Programmatic access - with an access key

    • Permissions boundary is not set

    • Permission Summary: AmazonKinesisFullAccess

  8. Click Create user on the bottom of the screen.
    • Write down the Access key ID and the Secret access key.
      (We need these details later.)
  9. Click on Close. You have successfully created a user for Kadeck.


Fig. 1: Select AmazonKinesisFullAccess in the policies list.


Add a connection to Kadeck Teams

Administrator privileges required
A user account with administrator rights in KaDeck Web is required to perform the following steps.

Log in to Kadeck Teams with a user who has administrator rights. By default, you will be redirected to the Connections Overview view after login.

Follow the instructions:

  1. Click on Add connection to add a new connection.
  2. Select Amazon Kinesis as the connection type.
  3. Fill in the fields with the corresponding information from section 1.

    • Give the new connection a name of your choice.

    • Enter the credentials of the AWS user you created in the previous section of this article.

    • Select the appropriate availability region.

After you have created the connection, it will be displayed in the Connection Overviews view. Click on Connect in the corresponding connection card to make the connection active.


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