Alert notifications

Alert notifications

We are excited to introduce Kadeck's new Alerting Module, which makes monitoring and troubleshooting Apache Kafka infrastructure easier than ever and raises the bar in the industry.

The new alerting module includes two new settings pages: Alerts Integrations and Alerts Notifications that can be found in the Administration area.

The notifications run in tandem with the monitoring system and report any issues to the health assistant system as well as via external notification integrations.

How to get it

The new monitoring module is included in Kadeck Teams Enterprise and in Kadeck Desktop Professional. Alert notifications are only available in Kadeck Teams Enterprise.

Rights for Alert Notifications

The access to the new alerting pages is restricted to admin users only.

Alert Notifications

This page allows the administrator to configure which incidents get notified to which integration.


  1. Broker Is Down → which reports an incident when a broker is down or unreachable
  2. Schema Registry is Down → which reports an incident when the schema registry is down or unreachable.
  3. Connect Worker is Down → which reports an incident when a Kafka Connect Worker is down or unreachable.
  4. Under Replicated Partitions → which reports an incident when a partition has its number of replicas below the replication factor set for it.
  5. Offline Partition → which reports an incident when a partition has no leader and therefore cannot be read and/or written to.
  6. No Controller → which reports an incident when the cluster has no controller set.

Many more checks will be added in the upcoming releases, plus the ability to create your custom incidents.

Alert Integrations

This page allows the administrator to configure external notification integrations. At the moment, 4 different types of integrations are possible: Slack, Microsoft Teams, Pagerduty and regular email. the first 3 work via webhooks. The email integration requires a bit more configuration.

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